Thursday, January 24, 2008

Playing Catch Up

This blog is based on my inadequacies. Damn you Meg!

My new favorite webcomic-

Once I think of something good to say, I'm going to blog better than you, Meg.

(Yeah... that just happened.)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Fear... It's in the Air.

Fall semester is coming to a close, and I, like many students, am glad for the break. I can't wait till graduation, yet I know I'm not ready. That lack of homework is such an exciting thought!

Imagine... free time.. is... mine!?!

Then again, is it really? Graduation comes with a host of problems and responsibilities. Where will I get a job? What will I be doing? Who's going to cover Dental? Then comes the paralyzing fear...

My interests, which lie in public relations and publishing, offer an additonal challenge. Tampa has limited availability for pr jobs, and none (that I'm aware of) in book publishing. But where's the next step? New York? Boston? Atlanta? So many options are available I'm not sure quite where to look, or where to start.

I have this lovely tendency of ignoring problems such as these, and it usually works out for the better. NOT over thinking things is hard, but worthwhile. When I don't over-analyze and stress and pull my hair out, things seem to fall into place.

But will this be the case, here? It's such a big concern, with even greater consequences.

I think that buzz of fear is striking many classmates right now. They're running around in circles, shouting "Papers due! Deadlines! Finals!" It's hard to avoid doing, and harder to avoid seeing. How do you not get caught up in that fever?

I'm not sure, but I do know it'll be over in a week. Hopefully, graduation won't.

In other news, I'd like to recommend a local celebrity (well, not anymore... he moved to Atlanta). He can be found on at:

He's highly entertaining and, like myself, makes up fabulous words for personal and public enjoyment. My favorite is "exploderate", as in "What really exploderates my mind is that...". In any case, check it out- fine, (not-family-friendly) fun!

"Changes, Changes, That's All He Can Play"

In addition to all the wonderful random things I find on the Internet (and post here) I've decided some things.
Since this is a blog about me, my life and things I think are funny, I'm going to include some reflections of my own.
PR Issues class is coming to a close, as are the "Reflections" assignment we had to complete. This was my favorite part... I get to ramble on about whatever happens to be in my head at the moment, and my teacher thinks I'm being analytical.

So here's to the nonsense thoughts of a college senior graduating in Public Relations, with all the hopes and dreams that go along with it!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

check it. seriously.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Circuit City Fun!

For some reason, the video won't embed. However, I highly recommend this!

It's the morning inspirational meeting for Circuit City in Hudson... I know I'd be pumped!

I'm really happy now

That is, now that I know it is illegal to sell your children in the state of Florida.

And that if an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle.

We wouldn't want those meter-maids getting bored, now would we?

Other highlights:
*Sex with a porcupine is illegal. (and rather uncomfortable, I'd imagine.)
*Men are prohibited from wearing any sort of strapless gown in public
*Public flatulence is illegal after 6 p.m.

For more dumb laws, go to
and just kick off that Florida if you don't want the dumb-ness to be limited to my state.
This is for all those Miami girls we know and love...


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